
8 Days Left!

Hurry! Hurry! Just 8 days left to receive 10% off of the Wedding Package of your choice with Limelite Photo! (Offer ends at midnight on March 31st!)


Fergus Falls Bridal Gala

FREE USB Flash Drive with Your Images!!!!!!

Get a FREE USB Flash Drive loaded with your wedding images (a $250 + Value!), includes Copyright Release with ANY wedding package booked by May 1, 2009!!!!!!!

This gift gives you the freedom to use your digital wedding images any way you want. Create a DVD with your images, post your images on your website, blog, Facebook or MySpace page. The options are endless!!!!

Schlax-De La Rosa Wedding

Batman meets Wonder Woman and Falls In Love!

What a "Super" Wedding! We had a lot of fun hanging out with Tracy, Ben and family.